Tuesday, December 20, 2011


June 12th 1851, Georgia.
"This wench is known as a maid, named Clara. Lets start the bidding at... 200 dollars." Clara's old master said with authority. "No one? Are you sure? Well this wench is going once....twice....not sold..... You know what happens to wench's that don't sell... They get killed." He pulled out the dastardly weapon and pressed it to Clara's head.Tears ran down her all ready tear stained face, she begged for her life, but she knew what would happen.  "No one? All right..." The shot rang out and the fatal bullet hit Clara in her head.
June 10th 2011, Georgia
"Ok so we have a paranormal living in Bangston. Anyone up to the job to get it to pass on?" Mike asked us, his reading glasses at the tip of his nose.
"I will take it Mike." I said raising my hand.
"Are you sure James? This could be a hard paranormal." Mike said.
"I am positive." I said.
"All right. Case assigned to James T. Kirk." Mike said putting the info into the computer.
Yes i know my name is James T. Kirk, my parents where OBSESSED with Star Trek. So they named me James Tiberius Kirk. And funny thing is, my dad's last name is Kirk, so I got the last name.  I have green eyes and red hair. But i am tall, and I love Baseball. I where horn-rimed glasses and oh yeah, I can see ghosts.
Yeah, i know its weird and all but i love it. This new ghost seems interesting.
"I am going to go..." I slowly said then got up and got my gear and went to Main street Bangston.
The ghost floated towards me. I got my speel ready.
" Hello my name is Clara, how ma i help you sir?" She asked me with a curtsy.
"My name is James T. Kirk, nice to meet you." I said.
"So what do you need Mr.Kirk?" she asked me. Now that i got a good look at her she was quite pretty. She had corkscrew blonde hair, and a white dress. But, blood was dripping down the side of her face.
"I need you to go to the light." I said.
"No." She said siting down on a garbage can nearby.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


   Author's note: Deppresion is misunderstood. After you read this you will have a better understanding.
Eating at your soul
infecting your very being.
Can you run?
Can you hide?
Deppresion infects you.
takes you.
you can't run.
you can't hide.
When it takes you
it makes you think things.
you never would have done.
it puts thoughts
in your head.


Author's Note: Teen Titans go!

It happened on a Sunday night.
"It" is when the Teen Titans asked me to join their team that is. My name is Dusk Rose and this is my story.
It all started when me and my mother got in a HUGE fight.
"Mother!! Just because i sprout wings every time I take off my shirt doesn't make me a freak!!" I screamed to the woman i called "Mother".
"Yes it does Dusk and you know it!" She fired back. "Come over hear and let me cut them off." She said going to get her sewing sicors.
"No!" I said. Then with the wosh of a zipper i took the trench coat i was wearing letting my wings come out.
"PUT THOSE THINGS AWAY!!!" My "Father" shouted getting up from his precious chair.
"NO!!" I took flight out of the open windows not turning back once.
Since i had been smart enough to make a savings account when i was 9, i had enough money to last me until i got a job. I could get a apartment, and survive on my own. But how do i get a job in Titans city when i am only 14 years old? Maybe I could use my wings for helping civilians. That sounds cool, but what would my name be? Butterfly? No. Bird? Taken. What about Wings? That could work. But what about an outfit? I can get a new trench coat and get a mask. Put my hair up in a loose bun. Then when i would fight i could take off my trench coat and let my raven colored wings fly. Well might as well touch down and buy some stuff from the costume store. As i reached the costume shop i pulled out my money and new right away what i wanted.Right in the door was this dress with a trench coat around it and a mask. AWESOME!!! :D :D :D :D  So i purchased it.
"HELP!!!!" a person called who was getting haled away by what looked like Slade's minions.I went and tackled the 2 gits. "Thank you. You saved my life!!!" The old lady said to me. But she was besides my worries. Behind her their where 5 people dressed like my self. One with green skin, one who was uber tanned, one who was REALLY pale like me, one who looked part computer, and one who looked normal.
"Um... Hi." I waved to them.
"What's your name?"  The normal one asked.
"Wings." I said. Then i stretched out my wings.
"Would you like to join the Teen Titans?" The normal one asked.
"Um.. Whats all your names?" I asked.
"Robin." The normal one said.
"Starfire!" The uber tanned one said.
"BEASTBOY!!" Green skin said.
"Raven." The pale one like me said and slapped Beastboy upside the head.
"And Cyborg." Computer said.
"Fine. I will join the Teen Titans." I said.

The Blade

Author's Note: elfish kind is awesome same with my main character. hope you like elfish kind after the story.

As the blade came closer to my face I quickly moved my head and body away from the shining medal to avoid fatal injuries.. Like usual, I just swang my blade towards the knights jugular making a slash that end's his life. Bandit though I am, this still hurts me deeply that I had to end his life. This knight didn't have anything worth taking besides a few gold pieces. The blade he brandished was not the metal I assumed it would have been forged of. Instead of the sharpest blade a knight could carry, this sword's edge was dulling. Getting up from the crouching position I had taken, I checked my surroundings for dragons. But the air was clear and the forest was full of chirping birds.
"Jasmine." My friend Rulf called to me.
"Yes Rulf?" I called.
"What happened?" Rulf sighed, exasperation clear on his face.
"The knight came after me on that bloody horse!" I yelled pointing to the horse's dead carcass.
Rulf was a tall person, he had brown hair and blue eyes. He like i said, is VERY tall. He is also very lean. We became bandits after he tried to murder someone. I didn't actually try to murder anyone, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We both agreed to survive on our own in the woods. I have a bounty over my head, which stinks like horse dung. But besides that, i have green ayes, red hair, tall, thin, pointed ears. Oh did i forget to mention i am an elf? Well yeah that's my species.

(Thats all i got for now!!)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hold to Your Dream

Author's note: Harry Potter is a big pat of my life. Hold to your Dream and never let it go.
Harry Potter is a book series that many people are be hesitant to read because of the bad reputation it has developed due to Christian religion and critics who don’t give the novels a chance.  Some people may want to read it, but won’t, because they don’t want to be made fun of. If you are being made fun of for doing something you like, should it matter? If you like something you shouldn’t let anything, or anybody take that away from you.

The characters in Harry Potter develop over time. If you read book after book, you can see the way they each blossom as a person. Take Harry for example. He originally starts off as a bullied and teased 11 year old.Over time he becomes a quick witted, funny, sarcastic, and talented 17 year old. Harry has the weight of the world on his shoulders, and at first he can’t handle it, but he soon learns to take it in stride.

Even though the characters are important to this story, the plot line that J.K Rowling creates has so many twists, turns, and clues, that it makes it a very interesting story. If you are on book 3 and you realize that she was cluing you in on something in the first book, it makes it far more interesting than the average story.  You start to think wow, how clever.  Imagination is a key part of the creation to this story; it helps make the plot line as thick and mulch-layered as it is.

Although the characters and the plot are very important to this story, the vocabulary J.K Rowling has used throughout the series helps make the story have more depth. When there is dialect the writer doesn’t dumb it down, she uses words that the character would use. Hermione Granger for example has a very advanced vocabulary because she is a very studious student. Rubeus Hagrid is a very tall and burly character thus making his vocabulary less advanced than Hermione’s.

Detailing is another important part that makes this story flourish. Even the littlest of details can have a big significance later on in the story. For example, Dumbledore  the headmaster of Hogwarts and a key part to the stories, vanquishes a Horcrux. This Horcrux had a stone in it, one book later that stone is used to revive Harry’s loved ones. 

No matter what people say to you, never let your dreams disappear. Even though the series is misunderstood, people should give Harry Potter a chance.  A point some people should never ignore is J.K Rowling’s amazing attention to detail, her ability to change characters over time, and the way the plot thickens in this fantastic series.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Proud to be
Authors note: Acceptance is a key part to civilization in my eyes.

As many people say time and time again: I am proud to be an American. This is my home country. Here is the place I am most proud of. This is the place that survived the devastating terrorist attack on the World Trait center. My Home is the place who unified themselves. No wonder this is the place where we won World Wars one and two. This is the place that was the first to be called a free nation. The country, my home country makes me proud to be.

Relieved when we recovered from the World trade center attack. Proud when some of our soldiers came home from Iraq. I am proud to be American, even though we may be having issues with economy, and debt, I am extremely proud of my country.  I think that this country has its bumps, but don’t all of them? I feel love for my country when we create something useful.

The things this country can produce when we try, it’s amazing.  This country is about acceptance. When others may not accept you, we will take you in. No matter what race you are. This makes me feel accepted. The country doesn’t hold grudges. If they did I may be in Germany instead of America. I am very German you see. So I may have had to stay in that country. Because of World war 2. If America hadn’t been so forgiving, I may not even be here.

This country is multi cultural. Not all country’s can say that. I think that I may be one of the luckiest people to live in this country. I think that considering all the different cultures I have in me, this makes me feel different. Sometimes country’s don’t take in people of a certain race. But America does.

This is my country, I am proud to say. Proud to be American, proud of the things we have done, the things we survived from, and the things we have done. I am Proud to be.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hitler and Nazis

Author's note: The most vile and cruel men of World War 2.

The Nazis were a political party in Germany at the time of World War 2 who believed in Hitler’s teachings. They were vile and cruel. They lead Jews to a thing called a concentration camp, where Jews were tortured or even killed. They could also be forced to work for the Nazis as their slaves.

The Nazis also had a favorite type of person, Blonde hair and blue eyed woman where always saved. But brown haired brown eyed people where always killed or tortured. Which shows an example of favoritism during a time period where there shouldn’t be. But sometimes it was all the Jews they killed. This was due to Hitler’s hatred towards the Jews. So the Nazis followed suit.

There are different theories to why Hitler hated Jews so much. One being that he was a racist who had a chip on his shoulder for being a non-Jew. Another is that his Mother was a Jew and his Father, (being abusive) beat his Mother which made his view on Jews warped. A little later in the war he started calling Jews homosexuals thus leading to him having all homosexuals killed on the spot. This is another example of racism that Hitler had developed during the time of the war.

Sometimes people wondered why Hitler even became the person he was. The truth is, Hitler was going to be an Artist! But he was a victim at certain points in his life. Some people think that he was just a bully victim himself and he did the things he did for a cry of attention. But in the end when the Americans and the Russians where attacking from both sides, he couldn’t handle it, So he killed himself. This is another example of a bully case, Hitler became a bully, but I bet in the beginning, Hitler was the one being bullied. So stop the bullying it may turn more people into a Hitler like person.