Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Blade

Author's Note: elfish kind is awesome same with my main character. hope you like elfish kind after the story.

As the blade came closer to my face I quickly moved my head and body away from the shining medal to avoid fatal injuries.. Like usual, I just swang my blade towards the knights jugular making a slash that end's his life. Bandit though I am, this still hurts me deeply that I had to end his life. This knight didn't have anything worth taking besides a few gold pieces. The blade he brandished was not the metal I assumed it would have been forged of. Instead of the sharpest blade a knight could carry, this sword's edge was dulling. Getting up from the crouching position I had taken, I checked my surroundings for dragons. But the air was clear and the forest was full of chirping birds.
"Jasmine." My friend Rulf called to me.
"Yes Rulf?" I called.
"What happened?" Rulf sighed, exasperation clear on his face.
"The knight came after me on that bloody horse!" I yelled pointing to the horse's dead carcass.
Rulf was a tall person, he had brown hair and blue eyes. He like i said, is VERY tall. He is also very lean. We became bandits after he tried to murder someone. I didn't actually try to murder anyone, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We both agreed to survive on our own in the woods. I have a bounty over my head, which stinks like horse dung. But besides that, i have green ayes, red hair, tall, thin, pointed ears. Oh did i forget to mention i am an elf? Well yeah that's my species.

(Thats all i got for now!!)

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