Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Author's Note: Teen Titans go!

It happened on a Sunday night.
"It" is when the Teen Titans asked me to join their team that is. My name is Dusk Rose and this is my story.
It all started when me and my mother got in a HUGE fight.
"Mother!! Just because i sprout wings every time I take off my shirt doesn't make me a freak!!" I screamed to the woman i called "Mother".
"Yes it does Dusk and you know it!" She fired back. "Come over hear and let me cut them off." She said going to get her sewing sicors.
"No!" I said. Then with the wosh of a zipper i took the trench coat i was wearing letting my wings come out.
"PUT THOSE THINGS AWAY!!!" My "Father" shouted getting up from his precious chair.
"NO!!" I took flight out of the open windows not turning back once.
Since i had been smart enough to make a savings account when i was 9, i had enough money to last me until i got a job. I could get a apartment, and survive on my own. But how do i get a job in Titans city when i am only 14 years old? Maybe I could use my wings for helping civilians. That sounds cool, but what would my name be? Butterfly? No. Bird? Taken. What about Wings? That could work. But what about an outfit? I can get a new trench coat and get a mask. Put my hair up in a loose bun. Then when i would fight i could take off my trench coat and let my raven colored wings fly. Well might as well touch down and buy some stuff from the costume store. As i reached the costume shop i pulled out my money and new right away what i wanted.Right in the door was this dress with a trench coat around it and a mask. AWESOME!!! :D :D :D :D  So i purchased it.
"HELP!!!!" a person called who was getting haled away by what looked like Slade's minions.I went and tackled the 2 gits. "Thank you. You saved my life!!!" The old lady said to me. But she was besides my worries. Behind her their where 5 people dressed like my self. One with green skin, one who was uber tanned, one who was REALLY pale like me, one who looked part computer, and one who looked normal.
"Um... Hi." I waved to them.
"What's your name?"  The normal one asked.
"Wings." I said. Then i stretched out my wings.
"Would you like to join the Teen Titans?" The normal one asked.
"Um.. Whats all your names?" I asked.
"Robin." The normal one said.
"Starfire!" The uber tanned one said.
"BEASTBOY!!" Green skin said.
"Raven." The pale one like me said and slapped Beastboy upside the head.
"And Cyborg." Computer said.
"Fine. I will join the Teen Titans." I said.

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