Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trojan Horse

The conflict between Troy and Greece was the main part of the story, and the conflict was never resolved in a happy way, it was resolved when Troy sneakily lead the Trojan Horse into Troy that was full of warriors, but the people of Troy believed held gold and treasure beyond their wildest dreams. The sneakiest part of the whole scenario I believe was how they had everyone tricked into thinking that the war was over and they had won, and then the warriors of Greece popped out of the horse and slaughtered the town. In a way, it could happen nowadays, just they wouldn't be in a horse. Someone could disguise themselves as a member of a different baseball team or something and play with them, then go back to their actual team with the teams techniques.... Or something like that. I haven't actually scene it on TV or anything, but people have mentioned it, and that's how I know about it.

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