Friday, October 7, 2011

Hitler and Nazis

Author's note: The most vile and cruel men of World War 2.

The Nazis were a political party in Germany at the time of World War 2 who believed in Hitler’s teachings. They were vile and cruel. They lead Jews to a thing called a concentration camp, where Jews were tortured or even killed. They could also be forced to work for the Nazis as their slaves.

The Nazis also had a favorite type of person, Blonde hair and blue eyed woman where always saved. But brown haired brown eyed people where always killed or tortured. Which shows an example of favoritism during a time period where there shouldn’t be. But sometimes it was all the Jews they killed. This was due to Hitler’s hatred towards the Jews. So the Nazis followed suit.

There are different theories to why Hitler hated Jews so much. One being that he was a racist who had a chip on his shoulder for being a non-Jew. Another is that his Mother was a Jew and his Father, (being abusive) beat his Mother which made his view on Jews warped. A little later in the war he started calling Jews homosexuals thus leading to him having all homosexuals killed on the spot. This is another example of racism that Hitler had developed during the time of the war.

Sometimes people wondered why Hitler even became the person he was. The truth is, Hitler was going to be an Artist! But he was a victim at certain points in his life. Some people think that he was just a bully victim himself and he did the things he did for a cry of attention. But in the end when the Americans and the Russians where attacking from both sides, he couldn’t handle it, So he killed himself. This is another example of a bully case, Hitler became a bully, but I bet in the beginning, Hitler was the one being bullied. So stop the bullying it may turn more people into a Hitler like person.

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