Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Point of View of a bullet!!

Authors note:I found this lonely bullet in a dear carcass in the forest, and it told me its life story!!! I decided to write about it,and this is what i got!!!
By: Sarah W

I hate how people always man handle me! I mean first when I was in the factory, being forced into a tiny cardboard box along with my worst enemies, then when i was forced to go into a truck, with a big fat guy smoking something that smelled disgusting, but the worst part was that he didn't care if i rolled around every time he turned on to a new street. No one cared!! But when I got to the store the man that put me on the shelf was more delicate about it. At least he knows how to treat a lady with some respect!!  Then when other people would come in they would call me a "he". For your information, I am most defiantly a she!!! But what bothered me a lot more was when people would describe me. They would call me things like, "dangerous", and "harmful". I am neither of those! In fact, i would love to go on a walk on the shore line of the beach, holding hands with the one I loved most in the world. But then, they would say things about what  gun i would be put in. Maybe, i have an arranged marriage! But i hope i will meet this  Prince Charming before the ceremony, otherwise that would be awkward! I hope he can take me out to dinner, and then we could walk on the beach, that would be really nice!!! They say things like, "lock and load", and "fire". What does that mean exactly? I don't think i will ever know! I wonder if my Prince Charming is taller than me. I hope that he doesn't smoke or drink, like that trucker did. Other people like me always tell me about how excited they are to get, "shot". What to they mean really? If this has to do with my prince, then that will be awesome. Though I get the feeling that it isn't that... I think it has to do with something that has to do with the sayings people always use... Oh my, this woman just picked me up... She has no teeth; she also has greasy hair, her skin looks dirty, like she hasn't showered in a long time. But the worst part is that she then THREW me  in the air! I felt like i had to throw up! She really doesn't know how to handle a lady, I'll say! But then she payed for me! Am i becoming her slave or something? I thought the Civil War was over! Then she took me out into her truck, which smelt like that trucker. We went to this green place. It had a bunch of trees in it, and animals where all over the place! My owner then took me out of my case, and all my enemies said, "Good Luck!" What does that even mean? Good luck on what? The the lady took out this thing, it had a tube and a handle, and she opened it.. Then guess that she did? She stuck me in the tube and clicked the thing closed!! Hey, get me out!!! I am claustrophobic!! Help me!!! But i heard a click, and then i was forced out of the thing with tremendous force! I was soaring threw the air!! I made contact with this really gushy thing, that was really warm and red. Ew! I need a shower!! But the lady didn't help me!! All she did was walk away! Then, another girl came my way. She seemed cleaner than the other lady, she had a full set of teeth to! Her hair wasn't greasy either! As a bonus, she didn't look like she smoked anything. She knelled down next to me and she talked to me, she said her name was Sarah! She told me not to worry about anything, and that she had it under control. I felt a great sense of relief, and I fell asleep.

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