Thursday, April 11, 2013

Breakthrough Reality Part 1 of Many

5 years ago

“Come on Alessa! You can do it!” The man said to his little daughter, watching as she made the effort to ride her bike without her training wheels.
“I know I can Daddy!” She called back to her father, blowing the hair out of her face.
“I’ll give you another push.” The little girl’s father said, coming over to her wobbling form and pushing on the back of the bike, satisfied when it moved forward, he let go and watched his little girl ride a bike for the first time.
“Daddy daddy! I got it!!” She said turning the bike this way and that, the tires trying to keep up with her frantic movements.
She smiled brightly, and lost her balance, collapsing onto  the cushiony carpet.
“Well, that should be good for today...” He said, picking her up from the ground and setting her on her feet, then taking the bike and putting it into the closet.
Alessa pouted, but stood up nonetheless, trotting over to one of the curtained windows.
While her father’s back was turned, she lifted up the curtain to take a peek of the outside.
“Alessa! Stay away from the window!” He dad snapped, lifting her up and carrying her away from the window before her eyes could see the outdoors.
“But daddy! I wan--” She began, only to be cut off by his angry voice.
“Alessa. If you step outside, something bad will happen... Something terrible.” He shuddered, and looked at the black letters that were forever tattooed onto his skin.

Chapter 1

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around my room, noticing how late in the afternoon it was.
Where are they?” I thought to myself, standing up and stretching. I walked out of my room and to the living room, looking around for my parents.
They left again.
They’ve been doing that alot.... Going outside I mean.
Oh jeez.
None of this makes sense to you, does it?
Alright. Let me explain for you.
I’m Alessa Caverly.
I have never been outside my home in my entire life.
I’ve lived behind locked doors and closed curtains, my parents training me to fear the unknown.
But let me share a little secret with you...
I actually really like the unknown.
Knowing that something out there might kill me kinda makes me excited.
When I passed their empty room, and when I couldn’t hear the sound of the radio coming from the living room, I knew something was wrong. Where they abducted by aliens or something?
Or worse...
Where they...
Oh god, I didn’t even want to think about it.
“MOM!!!” I called, and of course,  my attempts failed, the silence being my only reply. “Great...” I mumbled, running a hand through my brown hair.
I dragged my tired body to the kitchen where I opened up the cabinets, pulling out the box labeled “cereal”.
Then I grabbed a bowl, opening the box of cereal and filling it with the tasteless flakes of vitamins. Then I grabbed the milk and poured it in, making my cereal.
I sat down, putting a spoon in my cereal and getting a good mouthful.
Yup, this is my daily existence. Wake up, eat, lessons, eat, free time, sleep.
Day in day out, the routine never fails to take up my time and energy. My parents insist that it’s the “safest” for me, but what does that mean anyway? I’m safe right where I am.
Once I was done eating my bland cereal, I stood up from the table and went over to the windows, peeling back the curtain slowly. Of course, that’s when I realise that my dad put wood boards up on the window to block me from seeing the outside.
I sighed, putting my hand on the wood boards in defeat. Of course he did that. Typical. I thought to myself and went to the couch, plopping down and opening up my learning textbook and reading the next lesson.

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