Thursday, May 17, 2012


Author’s note: This is a poem about flowers. Pay attention to word choice.

They start off small
As seeds.
They get planted,
And grow big.
Then they bloom
And become beautiful.
They stay beautiful for a month
Or week
Then they…

Unicorn Land

Author’s note: This is a story about where all the unicorns in the world are hiding. Pay attention to the vocabulary.

Have you ever wondered if unicorns exist? Or, if they do exist, then where are they hidden? I, Emma Rorriend, has been to the place where unicorns roam freely.
Unicorn Land.
I went there when I was a little kid, and discovered that unicorns live underneath a never ending rainbow, and eat cupcakes all day. Unicorn land is between Hawaii and North America. This place of dreams, has only been discovered by little girls like me.
I am determined to find Unicorn Land again.

The Zombie Apocolypse

Author’s note: 20 years into the future, zombies have taken over North America. Pay attention to the rich vocabulary.

“Zoe!! Zombie behind you!!” My best friend, and zombie hunting pal, Chad called to me.
I turned around quickly and swung my axe into the zombies head quickly, and smirked in satisfaction when the zombie fell to the ground.
“Thanks Chad.” I smiled at him.
“Welcome.” He said and picked up a health pack that was lying on the ground.
Oh, sorry, never really introduced myself did I? Well, name’s Zoe Chandler.  I am a survivor.
You see, the zombie apocalypse started in 2013, and I was born during the peak of it in 2017, right now it's 2033 and the zombies are still winning. I grew up learning how to kill without a blink of an eye. Luckily, I haven’t gotten infected. Neither has Chad, so we stick together. Our schooling is training, just in case a zombie turns up on you. Of course, I have a house and stuff. But, my dad got infected last year, and I watched my mom kill him with a chainsaw.
“Zoe!” Chad said snapping his fingers in front of my face. “You where in Lala land.” He said.
“Oh sorry.” I sighed and picked up my axe, returning it to the holster on my back.
“I was asking if you wanted to go out sometime.” Chad said.
“Uh Chad, we’re living in a zombie apocalypse. Not much time to go out when you’re killing zombie’s every 5 minutes.” I said giving him a weird look.
“Sorry, just a thought.” He said, sounding slightly irritated.
“Ok Chad..” I said. “Oh zombie.” I pointed to the slow moving mutant thing behind him.
He turned around and shot it with his MCC.
“Nice” I said, then walked down the steps to my house. 
“See you tomorrow then?” Chad asked.
“Course.” I smiled.
“Good.” He sighed then sprinted off across the street to his house.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Jeffrey the Determined Turtle

Authors note: This is a short story about Jeffrey the determined turtle. Pay attention to the word choice.

One day a young turtle named Jeffrey wanted to climb into a shoe box. He was a little baby turtle, but he had a big goal. Most turtle’s where afraid to climb into the box. But little Jeffrey, the youngest turtle of the colony. So one bright summer day, he decided to accomplish his goal. Jeffrey the young turtle began his climb into the shoe box. While Jeffrey was climbing, all the other turtles wanted him to stop, but Jeffrey kept climbing. He wanted to prove everyone wrong by climbing into the shoe box. Finally, Jeffrey got to the top of the box! All the turtle’s cheered, and Jeffery smiled at them he accomplished his goal of climbing into the shoe box.

The End

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Comfortably Numb-
1)    The title Comfortably Numb, first that must mean something along the lines of something happened to make this character, Pink, go into this stage to where he is so to speak Comfortably Numb
2)    The lyric- Is there anyone in there?  Ok so this means a lot of things, it would literally mean that is there any one in there, or it could mean he’s talking about since he is in his own head, Comfortably numb, he could be talking about if there was anyone in his own head.
3)    The lyric- I can ease your pain. This is about the temptation of drugs, saying: If you take me, your problems will go away. That isn’t even true, if Pink had taken drugs, it wouldn’t have helped him. It would have masked his pain.
4)    The lyric- I need some information first. Ok, so this lyric is about what happened, why is Pink not talking? Why is he not responding? They are trying to get the story from him. Why is he sitting in his chair, staring ahead blankly? It is all about questioning, and he can’t respond, he has gone Comfortably Numb
5)    The lyric- A distant smoke on the horizon. That is about his problems. He’s pushing them back into the back of his mind, putting himself into this numb phase.
6)    The lyric- You’re only coming through in waves. When people are trying to talk to him, he is not responding because, he is in this phase that leaves him not hearing, seeing, feeling, or anything. That’s why he says “Your only coming through in waves “
7)    The lyric-  There’ll be no more aahhhh! This is referring to the fact that he is in this psychotic state, not really feeling. But when they poke him with the anesthesia to make him calm down, but it doesn’t work, and he screams (hence the ahh ) , then goes back to being Comfortably Numb
8)    The lyric- That’ll keep you going through the show. His supposed “friends “ didn’t care that he was going insane, and falling into this Comfortably Numb phase, they only care about getting him up onto the stage again. Not about his actual issues, only the fact about getting him to perform.