Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Alaskan Oil Drilling

Authors note: This essay will shed a light onto the Alaskan oil debate that has been going on since 1997, pay attention to how the paragraphs transition, and the fluent vocabulary.
The Alaskan oil drilling debate has been going on since 1977 and has reached its breaking point this year, 2012. There are two sides to this as all debates have, if they should drill for oil, or if they shouldn’t. After reading the facts that have been gathered about this topic, I personally agree with the Democrats who are on the side of not drilling for oil. My reasoning will be depicted throughout the following paragraphs.

While I agree with the Democrats, who say that it is not a good idea to drill for oil in Alaska, there are pros to drilling. The gas prices may go down slightly, from the outrageous prices that are plaguing our nation as of the current time. Also, even though it is said it will ruin the wild life, they are saying that they will only drill in a small area of the enormous state of Alaska. But, all of the facts that I have said have been denied by the democrats with a strong argument with stable facts.

According to the Arctic National Wild Life Refuge, (ANWR) the amount of oil they will be drilling for will not take an effect on the gas prices of our country. Also, when the Republicans said that it would only affect a small area of Alaska, that isn’t true, if there was an oil spill, or the oil spread, it would ruin many things in Alaska, like the mountains, which would be reduced to a garbage dump. Also, the oil may contaminate the water supply, like the BP oil spill crisis last year. The people who are fighting for the cause take a big affect on the debate.

The ANWR is fighting hard for the cause. They brought up many valid points, such as the law Ronald Nixon made when he was in presidency.  This law indicates that no oil is to be drilled anywhere in Alaska, and the ANWR hold tightly to this fact. Even though said law will prevent oil drilling, the law is facing an appeal, that may or may not be appealed. This fact is taking its toll on the ANWR and they are fighting and using all the facts they have up their sleeve to prevent this from happening. But the Democrats are also holding to the fact that there is and may be, an appeal on the law.

Overall, I completely agree with the ANWR on this situation. Due to the facts they have presented to the cause, I find it much more logical to stick with drilling in different parts of the country, but I think that Alaska has become too much of a wild life preserve for someone to come in and ruin it would not only be illogical, it would completely disturb the wild life that has birthing grounds there. They may make animals go extinct by killing off their habitat. Therefore, I completely agree with the ANWR on this national debate that has been going on since 1977.

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